Sunday, February 8, 2015

Kashmiri Day - A Day to celebrate Pakistani terrorism in the Kashmir Valley. Nice going Pakistan

“Why is it that we have not gone to school today, Dada Abu”, asks Nafeesa …
“Beta, today is the Kashmir Day whereby the whole nation expresses its unflinching support to our Kashmiri brothers and sisters”, I reply…
“Why, Abu jee”, Nafeesa asks out of curiosity…
“They are waging a struggle for their rights and we stand by them through thick and thin” ..

As we observe the day, it is important that we tell our children about what the Kashmir Day is all about, the sacrifices the Kashmiris are making for their rights and why it is important for us to support them as part of our responsibility…”

Every year on 5th February Pakistan officially marks Kashmir Day where army, political parties and militant Jihadi groups organize rallies, seminars and conferences and openly vow to strengthen the Jihad in Kashmir.  The same Jihadi bandits of Pakistani state have declared Jihad against Balochistan liberation movement. Pakistan army have established more than a dozen death squads in different districts of Balochistan. These state sponsored death squads are playing the exact role of Al Shams and Al Badar organizations which were used to counter pro-liberation parties of Bangladesh freedom movement.
The Recent attack on Bacha Khan University on 20 Jan 2016 where predominantly Pashtun nationalist students are enrolled has been seen as an obvious conspiracy of state to the attack the Pashtun nationalist Universityand kill their cadres who would become the future leader of Pashtun nation. It is also obvious that Pakistani army and its religious proxies fear from education and well-educated Baloch and Pashtun youth. Pakistan army is angry on the Pashtun uprising in Pashtun belt where people are demanding for the independent Pashtunistan. Before the Pashtun nation take up arms and go to the mountains for resistance, apparently army have initiated ruthless tactic to kill the cream of Pashtuns to silence the voice of Pashtunistan liberation movement.
Recently Pakistan is facing enormous pressure from the US and India after Pathankot attack. India had hand over two dossiers to Pakistan which contains the proof of Pakistani funded militant Jihadi groups. According to India, the mastermind behind the attack is Moulana Masoud Azhar who, the right hand of ISI and Pakistan army. He was trained and sent to Afghanistan for Jihad against the USSR troops in 1980. After defeating the Soviet Union troops, he was given another task to launch offensives against the Indian army in Kashmir.
According to available sources he was given full impunity to live in Lahore, Islamabad, cash and a huge amount of ammunition were also provided to his organization by the ISI and Pakistan army for ‘the liberation’ of Kashmir.
The demand of Liberation of Kashmir is a longstanding conspiracy theory of Pakistan army and its politicians, and Jihadist assets of Pakistan. So it unlikely that Pakistan will take action against its ownassets like Jesh-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, and other extremist groups operating in Pakistan with full protocol.
When there was a combine government of Taliban + Pakistan in Afghanistan after the USSR’s erosion, Masoud Azhar’s followers had high jack a plane from India in 2000. The plane was landed in Taliban’s heaven, Kandahar province of Afghanistan without any fear because Pakistan was the unofficial ruler of Afghanistan at this era of Taliban. After landing at Kandahar airport, Masoud Azhar’s fighters were given special protocol and prestigious respect and were warmly welcomed by the Taliban regime. India eventually give in to the pressure of those Pakistani sponsored terrorists and agreed to exchange the perpetrator Masoud Azhar in order to release all unarmed Indian passengers. This gave a new life to Mr. Masoud Azhar to coordinate and launch more attacks against India.
Pakistan army still visits to Kabul and uses the Taliban, Haqani Network’s card to blackmail Mr. Ashraf Ghani’s government to keep them away from India’s friend list. Balkh Police chief, Sayed Kamal Sadat categorically said in his official statement that attackers of Indian consulate are from Pakistani military. These attacks are enough evidences of Pakistan’s involvement in terrorism in Afghanistan. Intellectuals believe ISI is aggressively pursuing its terror policies ever before but unfortunately on the other hand India and Afghanistan governments in spite of such obvious involvement of ISI behind the attacks, are hoping for good from Pakistan.
Difa-e-Pakistan Council chaired by Moulana Sami-u-Haq, created, financed and backed by the ISI, is actively recruiting fighters to encounter Indian interests in the region. Difa-e-Pakistan Council is considered the political platform of ISI and Pakistan army to provide the ground support to Pakistan army to bargain with the world. The DPC initiated its first assignment by blocking the NATO supply to Afghanistan, which passes through the territory of Balochistan (Karachi to Chaman Border) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK (Torkham border). The organization totally comprises of top Jihadi groups whose prime objective is to lodge terror attacks inside Afghanistan, infiltrate in to India and radicalize the youth in Balochistan. No political party in Pakistan is united on even identical issues, they always have been seen quarreling on TV debates and stage rallies against each other but the army has very tactfully brought around 40 Jihadist groups under one umbrella to blackmail the NATO, USA, India and Afghanistan. Difa-e-Pakistan Council reads the exact script of Pakistan army and its main tower is in GHQ where it retrieves signals from. Its fighters are actively involved in Afghan and Kashmir Jihad. These Jihadi stare termed as heroes by Pakistani generals and hard core extremist groups.
By reading the Biography, profile and background of the members of Difa-e-Pakistan Council one can find the jaw dropping fact that these religious parties also have their own separate Jihadi militias groups supported by Pakistan army and ISI. They are working on identical agendas on separate platforms. The surface political front is apparently aimed to provide Pakistan army political support but their hidden agenda is to recruit jihadist and send them to Afghanistan, Balochistan and Kashmir for the Pakistani army’s version of Jihad. These religious parties are the camouflage proxies of Pakistan army and ISI. Most of these are now associated with the global terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, ISIS or Daaesh, Alshabab and Boko Haram.
Baloch pro-freedom leader Hyrbyair Marri in a recent statement termed the Taliban, ISIS and Jihadi militants the plain-clothed personnel of Pakistani army. Mr. Marri is absolutely right in is observation about nexus between Pakistani army the religious extremist groups. As he is one of the most experienced leaders and pioneering leaders of the current Baloch struggle for freedom.
In the list below you will figure out the two Hindu community parties and one party is from Christian minority. The purpose to including their name in Difa-e-Pakistan Council is to send a message to the people that minorities in Pakistan are safe and sound in Pakistan but the ground reality are in total contradiction of DPC’s claim. Hundreds of Hindu families have been forced to leave the country. Thousands of families are seeking asylum in India. Many Pakistani Christians and Hindus have either been killed or still languishing in Pakistani jails for alleged blasphemy. The Difa-e-Pakistan Council have done nothing to raise voice against arrest and murder of Hindus and Christian by Pakistani religious terrorist organisations.
Media reports suggests that in the month of November 2013, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bagh (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the residents, Sawan Masih who reportedly had an argument with a Muslim two days before the attack.
The anger of the Islamic community did not subside and the following morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colon and set several houses on fire.
Salamat Masih, one of the resident of Badami Bagh, Lahore told media reporters that “when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a sea of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed”. The local Iman issued an edict that Sawan Masih shall be killed whenever he is found.
It is worth mentioning that Hindu community is facing same sort of humiliation and harassment by the religious parties who are the members of Difa-e-Pakistan Council.

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